Quiz Answers: 23rd June 2023 (Not All Men Wear Capes)

Demolition Man
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Here are the answers to our quiz from 23rd June 2023 – how did you do?

1. “Alcatraz. Only one man has ever broken out. Now five million lives depend on two men breaking in.” Which action movie has this tagline?

The Rock

2. What is the full title of the second film in the Fast & Furious series?

2 Fast 2 Furious

3. Born this week, who connects the 2000s movies The Others, The Hours, and The Interpreter?

Nicole Kidman

4. In They Live, what accessory reveals the extent of alien subliminal messaging on Earth?


5. The Cooler King, Tunnel King, and Big X are all characters in which American wartime film?

The Great Escape

6. Also born this week, who won Oscars for acting in Fargo, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, and Nomadland?

Frances McDormand

7. Which horror film stars Elizabeth Banks as the adoptive mother of a superpowered alien child?


8. What make and model is Herbie, the car in The Love Bug and its assorted sequels and spin-offs?

He’s a Volkswagen Beetle

9. Which satirical thriller takes place in the fictional town of Stepford, Connecticut?

The Stepford Wives

10. How many years does Emily Blunt and Jason Segel’s Engagement last in the romantic comedy of the same name?

5, as in The Five-Year Engagement

11. Sylvester Stallone is defrosted to fight crime in the year 2032. (1993)

Demolition Man

12. Ryan Gosling duels with fellow spy Chris Evans. (2022)

The Gray Man

13. Orson Welles is dead… or is he? (1949)

The Third Man

14. Danny DeVito teaches literature on a US Army training base. (1994)

Renaissance Man

15. Marlon Wayans goes undercover as a baby boy. (2006)

Little Man

16. John Hurt upgrades his audience from circus freak-show to London high society. (1980)

The Elephant Man

17. Daniel Radcliffe is dead… but also, he still farts a lot. (2016)

Swiss Army Man

18. Robin Williams lives to be 200 years old. (1999)

Bicentennial Man

19. Oliver Jackson-Cohen is not opaque in his big-tech power moves. (2020)

The Invisible Man

20. Charlton Heston is Legend, but he doesn’t go by that title. (1971)

The Omega Man (which was adapted from I Am Legend)

21. 1985’s Brazil is set in Brazil. True or false?

False, it’s set in a dystopian Britain

22. In cinemas this week! Who directed the new sci-fi comedy Asteroid City?

Wes Anderson

23. In which 1954 film does Marlon Brando famously say “I coulda been a contender”?

On The Waterfront

24. Who plays pill-popping prodigy Eddie Morra in 2011’s Limitless?

Bradley Cooper

25. 2003’s Rugrats Go Wild is a big-screen crossover between Rugrats and which other Nickelodeon animated series of the 1990s and 2000s?

The Wild Thornberries

26. Which filmmaker does Tom Hanks play in 2013’s Saving Mr Banks?

Walt Disney

27. In the X-Men prequels of the 2010s, Jennifer Lawrence plays the younger version of which mutant?


28. Who plays radio DJ Mister Señor Love Daddy in 1989’s Do The Right Thing?

Samuel L. Jackson

29. Robert Duvall made his acting debut as Boo Radley in which 1962 drama?

To Kill A Mockingbird

30. And finally, who is older – Gary Oldman or Gary Numan?

Gary Numan, by just 13 days!

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