Wellbeing Matters: Summer Break

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Our weekly slot on the site where we chat about mental health and wellbeing, and as we head into our summer break, a natter about how things have been. Hello and welcome to Wellbeing Matters, our weekly natter over tea, crumpets or whatever else takes your fancy. We’re about to take a short intermission here at Film Stories. With this in mind, it would be nice to focus on anything that’s happened in our lives that’s positive lately, what’s tipped your hat, floated your boat or generally made you grin. This can be anything. Give a shout out to your latest favourite TV show, film, book or game. I’ll start. I’m loving Warrior Nun on Netflix. Jot down the plotlines and it looks generic – young woman imbued with sudden superhero powers, fighting the Big Bad one quip at a time. It’s elevated above the sum of its clichés with superb central performances, not least from Alba Baptista as the newly anointed saviour of the universe. That’s before you factor in location and cinematography. I never realised I wanted to go to Spain so much. It’s a welcome trip out of my current limited world view. And there are Ninja Nuns! I also tackled my public speaking demons last week, reading a short story at Virtual Noir at the Bar. I was a bit of a wreck beforehand, but when it came to the night, I had a blast. People’s comments were lovely, and I won quote of the week for the line ‘Roger came home stinking of shame.’ Have you stepped out of your comfort zone recently, and tried something new? Do you have any good news you’d like to share, even if it’s just the shearing off of your lockdown haircut? It’s also seven months since Wellbeing Matters became a regular feature on Film Stories. You’ve all been great, leaving thoughtful, heartfelt comments. I hope we’ve provided some light and companionship, and some common understanding during this time. This is your opportunity to shout out about anything you’d like to see in this spot. Are there any topics that you would like us to cover that we haven’t as yet? We’re considering looking at pieces on weight, addiction and domestic violence at a later date, in amongst the broader, more communal pieces. This is your page, your place to have a natter. Let us know what works for you, or indeed what doesn’t. Constructive feedback is most welcome. Fire away in the comments. And from us to you, have the most brilliant summer that you are able to. We hope there is much to enjoy for everyone in the months to come. Take care. And thanks, as always, for reading. ā€” Thank you for visiting! If youā€™d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Become a Patron here. Sign up for our email newsletter here. Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here.
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