We don’t exactly know when Disney+ is launching in the UK, but a lot of jobs have been opening up.
Whilst we still don’t have an official launch date for Disney’s streaming service – Disney+ – launching in the UK, it’s clear that it’s very much on the way.
Thus far, the noises coming out of Disney have been suggesting a UK rollout in the first three months of 2020. But a series of job postings are now live on the Disney Careers website for senior roles in the company’s streaming division.
In particular, Disney is actively recruiting a Programming Director for Disney+ across Europe and Africa, and the remit of the role specifically suggests that we won’t be getting a straight photocopy of the US service.
The role calls, for instance, for the successful candidate to “tailor the global content offer by market, based on parameters such as rights, windowing restrictions, availability, European quota restrictions, competitive context, regulatory restrictions, market preferences, research, viewing analysis, etc”.
In truth, I’m not sure I’m going to apply.
You can find the collection of jobs available here, many of which are based in London.
Additional reporting: Kirsten Howard
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