Save Yourselves! Trailer drops for timely indie apocalypse comedy

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Imagine turning your phone off for a couple of days and then the entire world ending: here’s the trailer for Save Yourselves, where that’s exactly what happens. The trailer has landed for Save Yourselves! an American independent comedy that is rather relevant for these trying times we find ourselves in. Remember that swathe of stories we heard, back when the pandemic first broke? Movie stars like Jared Leto emerging from weeks-long retreats or ocean voyages where they’d lived in total isolation, only to return and find the world they’d left changed beyond recognition? Save Yourselves! follows a similar course, charting the fortunes of a couple of millennials who decide to turn off their technology, disconnect from their social media and get in touch with their offline selves in a remote country cabin. Then, the earth just happens to be invaded by aliens. It’s a fun premise that lampoons our society’s dependence on technology in so many aspects of our lives. The project is set to release in cinemas on October 2nd in the US. No UK release date has yet been confirmed, but in the meantime you can check out the trailer below. ———— Thank you for visiting! We are fundraising to keep our magazines going into 2021 – could you please support us or spread the word: Or become a Patron here. Sign up for our email newsletter here. Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here.
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