Sicario 3 | Christopher McQuarrie, Taylor Sheridan not yet involved

Sicario 2 poster, which we're using as a placeholder for sicario 3
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Josh Brolin contradicts previous reports that writer-director Christopher McQuarrie is involved in Sicario 3.

The plans for a third Sicario film seem to change with the wind, or at least change with the rather unstable foundations of film production, given how turbulent the last few years have been for the industry.

We first heard back in summer of 2022 that a third entry in the well-regarded series was on the way. One of the series’ stars, Josh Brolin, was out and about promoting his western/sci-fi TV series, Outer Range, and he had this to say: “It’s been written and it’s been rewritten. So it’s out there. We think it deserves a third one if we can make it in the way that we want to make it”.

However, a year later he seemed less optimistic about the film’s chances of happening, saying, “these types of movies are not necessarily getting made so much anymore, $20-45 million dollar movies.”

Six months later, in September of last year, the talk was that now that the film was back on with Molly Smith, one of the project’s producers, stating that “we’re very close” and “it’s one of the projects where we’re ready to put the train on the tracks as soon as the strike ends”.

Not long after, we learned that screenwriter Taylor Sheridan, who wrote the first two films, was being joined on the project by Mission: Impossible writer-director Christopher McQuarrie.

That was quite an announcement, and certainly reinvigorated interest in the project, but here we are in spring 2024, and according to Brolin -once again out promoting Outer Range – neither McQuarrie or Sheridan have been locked down for the film.

Speaking to the Bingeworthy TV podcast, Brolin said, “Chris [McQuarrie] was involved for a while, but he’s not now, and I don’t know about [Taylor] Sheridan. I know him really well, but I don’t know if he’s onboard or not.”

One step forward, two steps back. We do think this project will eventually happen and we’re hoping it reunites Brolin with Emily Blunt and Benicio del Toro. We know Denis Villeneuve, the director of the first film, won’t be involved and it doesn’t look like Sicario 2′s helmer Stefano Sollima will be returning, either.

Expect more updates in due course on Sicario 3 – but it could be a while yet before this one comes together.

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