Deep Water: the opposite of an erotic thriller

Ana de Armas and Ben Affleck in Deep Water, directed by Adrian Lyne
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Director Adrian Lyne helmed Fatal Attraction and Indecent Proposal ā€“ but his latest, Deep Water, isnā€™t the erotic thriller itā€™s described as. Spoilers lie ahead for Deep Water. Deep Water is director Adrian Lyneā€™s first film since 2002ā€™s Unfaithful. Heā€™s a filmmaker known for his erotic thrillers ā€“ sexually charged films that are usually about steamy affairs gone wrong. Nominated for an Oscar for the (in)famous Fatal Attraction, the film made its way not just into pop culture and the libraries of film fans, but also the English lexicon with the term ā€˜bunny boilerā€™. So why is Deep Water the opposite of erotic, despite its promotion suggesting otherwise?
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Based on the novel by Patricia Highsmith, the film focuses on the dysfunctional open marriage of Vic (Ben Affleck) and Melinda (Ana de Armas) Van Allen. Their relationship isnā€™t entirely open ā€“ itā€™s only Melinda who takes on various other lovers, often flaunting her relationships in front of their mutual friends. The whole dynamic is incredibly spiteful on both sides. When Melindaā€™s lovers start going missing and the situation turns fatal, Vic becomes a primary suspect. One of Deep Water's most obvious problems is the lack of chemistry between the leading couple. Itā€™s clear that Vic and Melinda have a rocky and complex relationship, but with Affleck and de Armas constantly frosty towards each other itā€™s hard to believe these two have ever touched in their lives. Melindaā€™s affairs arenā€™t steamy, either. Most of her interactions with these other men happen within full view of Vic and many others, and seem driven by malicious intent. Sheā€™s trying to goad him. In other words, itā€™s more cruel than it is sexy. Even when she moves these liaisons to a more private place, Vic lurks in the corridor outside and makes the whole thing rather uncomfortable. Affleck himself doesnā€™t help the situation much. Over the course of the movie, Vic becomes less and less tolerant of their current dynamic. Instead of depicting the rage simmering just below the surface, heā€™s stone cold the whole time. Mostly he stares out of windows at Melinda and her partners, while looking like heā€™s completely checked out and given up on caring. The one time he gets angry Melinda shouts ā€œfinally, some passion!ā€ and Iā€™m inclined to agree. Itā€™s hard to make a steamy erotic thriller when one half of the lead couple has all the emotional expression of a wooden plank. Ana de Armas as Melinda Van Allen in Deep Water, directed by Adrian Lyne And then thereā€™s the snails. Yes, snails. As a substitute for spending time with his wife, Vic lovingly cares for his vast collections of snails. A lot of the time we see them slithering around in close-up, being all slimy and off-putting. To make matters even worse, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re being used as part of some weird symbolism or euphemism. Frankly, I really donā€™t want to think about it too much and Iā€™d recommend you shouldnā€™t either. Ultimately, you need two things to make an erotic thriller work ā€“ sex and a psychopath. That might be part of why the genre died out in the first place. Both the portrayal of sex on-screen and the negative female stereotype of the ā€˜bunny boilerā€™ have been widely debated. Either way, Deep Water has far too little of both of these things. For the first hour the plot lags, establishing the couplesā€™ lack of affection and slight hostility. They seem largely ambivalent towards one another, and when they do sleep together (for the first, brief, and only occasion in the film) even that canā€™t convince anyone that they like anything about each other. The whole film just feels cold and completely lacking in any passion whatsoever. Then thereā€™s the element of danger, and that doesnā€™t come in until right near the end. When Vic is suspected of murder, Melinda says sheā€™s not scared of him. But fear is an integral part of a thriller ā€“ can you imagine how dull Fatal Attraction would be if Glenn Closeā€™s Alex wasnā€™t utterly terrifying? Without that sense of threat, Deep Water plays out more like a relationship drama ā€“ a version of Marriage Story where the protagonists decide an open relationship is better than divorce. The only part of the movie that even resembles a thriller is the last 20 minutes, where it goes completely off the rails. Itā€™s only at this point that the plot finally feels high stakes, and Affleck finally shows up to do some proper acting. It might be belated, but in the end Deep Water provides some amount of danger and thrill. Itā€™s just a shame it takes such a long, boring, passionless route to get there. Itā€™s a disappointing film from Adrian Lyne and a disappointing performance from Ben Affleck. I would love to be proven wrong, but Deep Water makes you feel that maybe thereā€™s a reason erotic thrillers arenā€™t made anymoreā€¦ ā€” Thank you for visiting! If youā€™d like to support our attempts to make a non-clickbaity movie website: Follow Film Stories on Twitter here, and on Facebook here. Buy our Film Stories and Film Stories Junior print magazines here. Become a Patron here.
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