Sting | Trailer lands for brand new spider horror

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Weta Digital has made a practical effects spider for the new arachnophobe horror Spider: more details and a trailer here.

Oh, this looks fun. From writer and director Kiah Roache-Turner (Wyrmwood) comes a new big screen feature that’s set to give arachnophobes a pretty memorable night out at the movies. The film in question is called Sting, and it’s got nothing at all to do with the singer, and a lot to do with psiders.

Starring Ryan Corr and Alya Browne, the film is about a spider that’s given the name, well, Sting, who performs a medley of hits… no, not going to do that gag again. Instead, the spider goes from small to a lot bigger when it starts going on the rampage.

The press announcement makes much of the fact that Weta Workshop – the effects house behind the Lord Of The Rings films, of course – has done the spider effects for the movie. Said press announcement also confirms that the effects in Sting are practical ones. Not just that, they’re described as “hyper-realistic practical effects”. That sounds fun.

We’ve got the first trailer for the film, that landed overnight, as well as a synopsis too. We’ll crack on with those, the trailer first…

Then, the synopsis…

On a stormy night in New York City, a mysterious egg falls from the sky and smashes through the window of a rundown apartment building. From it a strange little spider emerges and is discovered by Charlotte, a rebellious, lonely 12-year-old girl obsessed with comic books. She names it Sting. 

As Charlotte’s fascination increases, so does Sting’s insatiable appetite. Growing at a monstrous rate, neighbours and their pets start to go missing. Soon, Charlotte’s family realise they have become the prey of a ravenous supersized arachnid with a taste for human flesh… and Charlotte is the only one who knows how to stop it.

Studiocanal is releasing the movie, and it’s also just confirmed a UK release date of 31st May 2024. More, of course, as we hear it…

Sting raising his arm
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