Fletch: Jon Hamm starring in new film, release date announced

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Greg Mottola directs and Jon Hamm stars, as a third Fletch film finally happens – more details here.

It’s been a long, long time coming, but finally there’s a new film around the character of Fletch before cameras. If memory serves, there was a time in the dim and distant past when Kevin Smith had been linked with the film (that was a long way back, mind), but it’s finally before the cameras.

UPDATE (from original story in June 2021): it’s happening, and we have a release date! The new film is called Confess, Fletch, and Paramount will be giving it – in the US at least – a small theatrical release and a video on demand debut from September 16th. It’s unlikely to take too long to make it to the UK. Previous story resumes…

Chevy Chase has played the title character – based on the writing of Gregory Mcdonald – twice on the big screen so far. This time, it’s Jon Hamm in the title role of what’s called Confess, Fletch. He’s also producing as well, with Marcia Gay Harden, John Slattery, Kyle MacLachlan and Roy Wood Jr in the ensemble.

The director? That’d be Greg Mottola, the man who helmed Paul and the hugely underappreciated Adventureland.

Mottola confirmed the start of production via his Twitter feed, and we’ll leave you with that Tweet…

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