Justice League: The Snyder Cut will be rated R

Justice League
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Strap yourself in, because it looks like we’ll be going fully ‘Into the Snyder-Verse’ with this one – Justice League gets its R rating.

Hot on the heels of the announced release date of Justice League: The Snyder Cut comes the confirmation that the four hour film – which is set to hit the US on March 18th – will be rated R for ‘violence and some language’.

Snyder has been left to indulge his every whim when it comes to retooling his originally intended version of Justice League, following the original cut’s reshaping by Joss Whedon after Snyder departed the production. As such, we can already expect a long running time, cameos galore and now, with the news that the film contains salty language,  it seems that we can look forward to some potty-mouthed superhero antics too.

Snyder has already mentioned in previous interviews, including with Entertainment Weekly, that he expected this rating. As he said, “here’s one piece of information nobody knows: The movie is insane and so epic and is probably rated R — that’s one thing I think will happen, that it will be an R-rated version, for sure. We haven’t heard from the MPAA, but that’s my gut. […] There’s one scene where Batman drops an F-bomb. Cyborg is not too happy with what’s going on with his life before he meets the Justice League, and he tends to speak his mind. And Steppenwolf is pretty much just hacking people in half. So [the rating would be due to] violence and profanity, probably both.”

Frankly, this whole endeavour reminds us of that scene in 1999’s Being John Malkovich where Malkovich goes into the Malkovich portal and everything gets… well, it all gets very Malkovich. Snyder really has been given full rein here to create realise this project exactly as he sees fit and as keen as we are to see a better version of Justice League than we got back in 2017, we’re even more keen to see an unfiltered glimpse of what it must be like to be inside of Zack Snyder’s head.

As of yet, there are no details about a UK release apart from a brief tweet from HBO Max, who will be streaming the film in the US, stating “we are working hard to make it available to as many fans as possible. Stay tuned for more!”

This too, is intriguing however. In the US, fans will receive the film as part of their subscription to HBO Max, which makes sense as the project was effectively green-lit to drive more subscribers to the service.

However, if in other markets, Warner Bros is considering a PVOD release as it did with Wonder Woman 1984. Will the audience for it pay up? We’ll see. There are lots of interesting questions here that we look forward to getting answers to, but more than anything else, we’re simply looking forward to finally seeing the film. We’ll keep you updated with further news as we hear it.

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