Masters Of The Universe is finally – finally! – getting a Blu-ray release

Masters Of The Universe
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Dolph Lundgrenā€™s take on He-Man finally comes to Blu-ray, as 1987ā€™s Masters Of The Universe heads to the format in the UK next February.

Well about time. By the power of Grayskull, or the tenacity of 88 Films, the 1987 big screen take on Masters Of The Universe is finally coming to Blu-ray.

The movie wasn’t a success when it was released in cinemas – that’s no understatement – and reviewers were hardly on the kind side. Yet the film has endured, with Dolph Lundgren’s personification of He-Man the current definitive cinematic take on the character. Several attempts have been made to get another Masters Of The Universe film going since, and remarkably, it’s going to take until 2026 to do so.

The 1987 version though – already something of an enduring cult hit – is now set to find a slightly bigger audience with a proper physical media release. The Deluxe Collector’s Edition that’s been announced is limited, as you’d expect, and up for order now.

The release date? 16th December 2024, and you can find more information on the disc – and order a copy – here.

UPDATE: Itā€™s been delayed! The new release date is 24th February 2025.

If you’re unfamiliar with the movie, then the synopsis for it is right here…

From Saturday morning cartoon to the big screen in one muscle-bound leap, Dolph Lundgren brings an animated icon to life in Masters of the Universe. On the distant planet of Eternia the battle for Castle Grayskull has begun, and He-Man (Lundgren) must round up his army to fight off the powers of darkness led by Skeletor (an unrecognisable Frank Langella) and his horde of evil underlings. Big-budget with even bigger set-pieces, this far-out fantasy brings the henched hero vividly to life with memorable swordfights and even more memorable effects.

Ah, Frank Langella’s Skeletor. He’s going to take some topping as well. Quite the movie, this, and all credit to 88 Films for getting the Blu-ray off the ground.

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