As well as a new RoboCop feature film, there are now plans to dig into the world of OCP and Dick Jones in a television project as well.
In the world of RoboCop at the moment, the big screen attention is on a new film in development by the name of
RoboCop Returns. This is to be a sequel to the original
RoboCop, where the plan seems to be to ignore the follow-ups at the time and continue the story as if they hadn’t happened.
Ed Neumeier and Michael Miner, who penned the original movie, have been involved in that project that was originally set to be directed by Neill Blomkamp. Around a year ago, though, Blomkamp departed the film, with Abe Forsythe now set to helm the movie
However, it turns out that there’s another RoboProject on the stove, and this time it’s a television series. Moviehole discovered the news in conversation with Neumeier. The series will tell the story of the rise of OCP vice president Dick Jones, who was of course played by Ronny Cox in the original movie.
As Neumeier argues, “it has all the cool stuff about
RoboCop except no RoboCop”.
“I’m working with these two writers, Dave Parkin and Rob Gibbs, who bought this idea to a TV producer friend of mine, who then brought it to me. The first time I heard it I knew it was a cool idea because I could see a lot of things you could do with it. It’s such an interesting character”, he added.
The idea is to get a pilot episode off the ground, and then off the back of that, to see if MGM wants to pick up a full series. The show will be “about the evolution of Richard Jones to Dick Jones, the story of OCP and how the world moves into the future, how the corporate world behaves”.
You can read more about it at Moviehole,
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