Christopher Nolan’s Tenet is arriving on disc this side of Christmas in America, with UK release details still to be confirmed – more here.
Whilst it may not have been the shot in the arm the cinema industry was hoping for worldwide, Christopher Nolan’s latest movie Tenet has nonetheless proven to be quite the success here in the UK. The film has grossed £15m in Britain at the time of writing, after five weeks on release. Its total continues to climb too, and it topped the box office for the weekend just gone as well.
Now we learn that Warner Bros is pushing to get the film released on disc this side of Christmas, and that’ll make it one of but a handful of new blockbusters going on sale in time for the end of year market.
The US release date has been pencilled in as December 15th 2020, with the movie available on DVD, Blu-ray and the 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format. No details as of yet of extra features. We do know that there will be subtitles though, a feature we’d anticipate to be used even more than usual.
Don’t be surprised if the UK release lags a few weeks behind, given the slightly different agreement on cinema exclusivity windows that exists in Britain. Still, everything’s up for change at the moment, so we’ll keep you posted as we hear more.
More as we get it.
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