Think Of England | Shooting wraps on WWII porn drama

think of england film main cast on a beach
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A rag-tag bunch of misfits are tasked with making a different kind of crowd-pleaser in Think Of England. Check out some first-look images below.

Indie satirical drama Think Of England has wrapped filming in the UK this week and – lest you think we’re only doing this stuff for clicks – it is actually about the making of a porn film. In the national interest, of course: we don’t tolerate smut here at Film Stories*.

Set in the run-up to the allied invasion of France in WWII, Think Of England follows a rag-tag bunch of scoundrels and filmmakers tasked with improving our boys’ morale with, er, a very special film.

think of england film
Natalie Quarry (Credit: Vianney Le Caer)

Want a synopsis? Here’s a synopsis. As far as synopses go, it’s a good one…

It’s the summer of 1943. A small and very disparate group of people arrive on a remote Orkney island beach tasked with a top secret mission – the making of pornographic films for the boys at the front. For who knows how long this war still has to run, and fighting morale – as we learned only too well from the last one – is everything. 

So then, a very war-damaged former movie star; a celebrated German film-director; a munitions-machinist-come-aspiring-actress; an Etonian captain from the Ministry of Information; an aging, alcoholic hair-and-makeup artist; a young lad, as innocent as can be and right on the very threshold of war’s bloodbath. Oh, and a half-starved and very ragged Luftwaffe pilot, watching on from afar… 

think of england film
Ben Bela Böhm, Jack Bandeira, John McCrea, Ollie Maddigan (Credit: Vianney Le Caer)

Bafta-nominated Richard Hawkins (Everything) is in the writer/director’s chair, with Nick O’Hagan (The Good Liar, The Serpent Queen) and Poppy O’Hagan (Worm, Good Boy) producing.

“No matter how tough indie filmmaking can get, we would always remind ourselves what a privilege it is to bring such unique stories to life,” Poppy O’Hagan said.

We can’t wait for this one.

*We do occasionally tolerate smut.

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